Baron Advanced Manufacturing

DeKalb Central Announces Launch of Baron Advanced Manufacturing (BAM) for the 2023-24 School Year!

DeKalb Central Announces Launch of Baron Advanced Manufacturing (BAM) for the 2023-24 School Year! 
Waterloo – Superintendent Steve Teders and DeKalb High School Principal Marcus Wagner will be announcing details associated with the launch of a new DeKalb Pathway next Friday, January 27 at 2:00 p.m. at DeKalb High School. Those planning to attend should enter door #1 and be prepared to present I.D. DeKalb Central Schools is launching Baron Advanced Manufacturing (BAM) this fall at DeKalb High School for prospective juniors and seniors, with seniors receiving paid internships. “We believe this will be a game changer for students who don't yet have a path to graduation or a clear understanding of a career after high school,” stated Teders. The district has partnered with five local manufacturing businesses, including Auburn Manufacturing, Charleston Metal Products, Metal Technologies, Rathburn Tool & Manufacturing, and Rieke Corporation and also with Purdue University, IN-Mac, and Ivy Tech Community College.
With recent school board approval of Mr. Jon Clingan as BAM Director/Instructor we have created a pathway beneficial to students and extremely important to the greater community in and around DeKalb Central Schools. Students participating in BAM will gain technical, hands-on experiences, allowing them to explore advanced manufacturing as a potential future career, while still in high school. Students will have the ability to directly enter the workforce with the necessary skills to be successful. Students who complete BAM as juniors and seniors will earn 15 dual credit hours from Ivy Tech Community College, and students will earn multiple industry-recognized certifications such as OSHA-10, MSSC, and SACA.