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Clubs & Activities

2024-2025 DHS Clubs/Activities
Club Name Sponsor Description
Academic Spell Bowl Cyndi Klink Team of ten, ten rounds, each student spells for one round, 3000+ words to choose from. Written competition, not oral. Recognized for individual and team success. Open to all in the fall.
Academic Super Bowl Cyndi Klink Concentration on one topic in each subject area for a team quiz bowl in the spring. This year the focus is Canada: Our Neighbor to the North. This is open to all students but will be screened for the studious, high-ability and hardworking. Topics include math, social studies, English, science, art, and music.
Amnesty International Jenni Oberlin A global movement of more than 7 million people in over 150 countries and territories who campaign to end abuses of human rights. This student lead group meets twice a month and writes letters to get attention brought to human rights issues.
Art League Jessica Minnich Art League is a club for art enthusiasts to work on community based projects. As a part of art league, students have the opportunity to build community with other art students and share their passion. As a part of art league, student will host and plan the semi formal, also the winter, and spring art show. Open to all students.
Athletic Leadership Club Josh Bowlds This Club is for Athletes (9-12) chosen by their respective Coaches.  The goal of the group is to learn to be leaders on their teams as well as in our school and promote positive Sportsmanship.  The club will also be involved with developing ideas to create school spirit. 
Baron Friends Laura Atkinson & Dawn James Baron Friends is a club that matches students with and without intellectual and developmental disabilities for different activities throughout the year. We promote inclusion in our school and community. Our club is dedicated to making connections and spreading kindness.
Classic Connection- Mixed Show Choir Josh Doubblestein Classic Connection Competitive Show Choir - Classic Connection is an extracurricular show choir that welcomes students 9th - 12th grade. Classic Connection performs at the DeKalb County Fair, the annual Show Choir Cabaret, the Spring Showcase Concert, as well as competes across indiana throughout the months of January through March. Auditions are held each May. Enrollment in a DHS choir class is required.
DHS 3D Print Club   The purpose of the club is to encourage the design process through critical thinking, collaboration and problem-solving. The steps of this process include: think it, explore it, sketch/plan it, create/design it and tweak it. Students are expected to follow these steps to create designs for projects that will be 3D printed. The expectation is for students to complete at least three projects.
Dynamix Jazz and Chamber Choir Josh Doubblestein Dynamix Jazz and Chamber Choir - Dynamix is an extracurricular jazz and chamber that welcomes students 9th - 12th grade. Dynamix performs at the annual Show Choir Cabaret, select home concerts, as well as participates in ISSMA Solo & Ensemble and ISSMA Jazz Festival. Auditions are held at the end of each school year. Enrollment in a DHS choir class is required.
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) Kari Ackerman Family, Career and Community Leaders of America is a dynamic and effective national student organization that helps young men and women become leaders and address important personal, family, work and societal issues through family and consumer sciences education. Chapter projects focus on a variety of youth concerns, including teen pregnancy, parenting, family relationships, substance abuse, peer pressure, environment, nutrition and fitness, teen violence and career exploration. Involvement in FCCLA offers members the opportunity to expand their leadership potential and develop skills for life—planning, goal setting, problem-solving, decision making and interpersonal communication—necessary in the home and workplace. Open to all students.
Campus Life Sam Weicht & Jesse Hanna Campus Life has a mission to present to coaches, athletes, and fans (the entire student body) the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, serving Him in their relationships and in the fellowship of the church. Non-Denominational, No restrictions and ALL are welcome!!
Lexi Turpchinoff & Bekah Peterson
FFA is an agricultural organization that  teaches premier leadership, career success, and personal growth through local philanthropies, agricultural knowledge contests, and on-site agriculture business programs.
Chapter Meeting (Parliamentary Procedure) Team: The members shall demonstrate the correct procedures of a chapter meeting, including opening ceremonies, order of business, and closing ceremonies.
Crops Team-The crops career development event is a competition that tests the students knowledge on crop and weed varieties in Indiana.  This contest also includes the nutritional deficiencies of crops, common insects that affect production, and grain grading of crops.  This event prepares students for careers in plant science, weed science, farming, agronomy, turfgrass management, and many more.
Leadership Team-The leadership career development event is a series of contests in public speaking, demonstrations, job interview, exhibit, and scrapbooking.  There are various opportunities in multiple divisions pending on student age and grade.  This contest is designed to prepare students for various careers in leadership positions of any contest.
Entomology Team-The entomology team studies the science of bugs.  Members are required to name 70 different insects along with their taxonomic order. Students also take a test. This contest is designed to prepare students for a career in entomology or integrated pest management.
Forestry Team-The forestry career development event is a contest where students name various trees, equipment, woods, chainsaw parts, pests, issues, and troubleshooting scenarios within the forestry careers.  Students conduct a timber stand improvement and create a plan for lumber harvesting.  This contest is designed to prepare students for a career in wood science, forestry, environmental science, and lumber.
Livestock Team-Members of a livestock team analyze and look at a variety of animals to determine the quality and best practices for raising livestock in the United States.  Students are required to memorize speeches which are then presented to officials for scoring on presentation and accuracy.  This contest is designed to prepare students for a career in animal science, animal marketing, meat science, meat quality control, and livestock production.
Ag Issues Team-The agriculture issues team focuses on local issues that are affecting the agriculture industry.  The team conducts a survey, analyzes results, then prepares a public announcement through various presentations.  This contest is designed to prepare students for a career in agriculture business, marketing, consulting, agritourism, and agriculture advocacy.  
Food Science Team-The food science career development event prepares students for careers in food science by having the contestants identify aromas, flavors, good manufacturing processes, hazard analysis and critical control points, and complete a triangle test.  Then the team works together to develop a new food product that fits a targeted audience and nutritional requirement.
Ag Business Management Team: Provides competition that fosters information assimilation, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills necessary to successfully manage a farm or pursue farm business management careers. This event enhances and encourages opportunities for all participants to receive instructions that develops agriculture/farm business management skills.
Ag Mechanics Team-The agricultural mechanics team competes in a competition that challenges them in the areas of wood construction, welding, engines, plumbing, and electricity.  Students also have a team part that requires them to read blueprints and develop a plan for a major construction project.
Wildlife Team: Contestants will complete activities in the wildlife challenge, wildlife management practices, and a team wildlife management plan exercise.
Vet Science Team-This is an FFA career development activity based on Veterinary Medicine.  Teams compete in the FFA state convention in June.  The competitions entail: identification of medical instruments, parasites and animal species, a test on veterinary medicine, and a group presentation.
Ag Sales Team-The agriculture sales career development event requires a contestant to sell a piece of agricultural equipment or commodity through a mock interview situation.  Then the contest completes a mock cold call on a customer.  This contest is designed to prepare students for a career in sales, marketing, and business.
E- Sports Club Tony Miller E-Sports is an opportunity for students to get together and enjoy different games together. It meets twice a week, with one day being for competitive gaming and the other for more casual games. The competitive gaming day is for our eSports teams (currently just League of Legends, but working to open up to any game with a competitive scene).
International Clubs Spanish Norma Jetmore Each club will offer exposure to the Spanish-speaking or French-speaking world and its rich, diverse cultures. The intent is to be both educational and fun for its members who will look beyond the doors of their own homes and school to touch the lives of others.  Students involved in the Club will be more tolerant of differences regarding race, language, and cultures.  Being exposed to many exciting new challenges outside the classroom and gaining insightful experiences will help the Club members compete in our increasingly multilingual nation, as well as throughout our global community. This club is open to everyone.
Jazz Band Chris Adamisin  Multiple groups are selected based on workshops and auditions that are held in November and the season will run from November through early April.  Students will acquire and develop skills in multiple jazz and pop music styles as well as soloing skills that are appropriate for the activity.  Practices are usually three times a week and competitions are held several Saturdays throughout the season.  
Junior Auburn Main Street Jim Finchum, Ann Finchum, & Jessica Griffith Junior Auburn Main Street is a committee of Auburn Main Street. We allow for the students to have a student lead board directors that is voted on by the members. They will have a President, VP, and Secretary. The JAMS members will learna bout the Main Street approach, how it is divided into 4 sectors and what each sector means. The four sectors are organization, promotin, economic vitality, and design. The Junior Auburn Main Street program will be under the organization section. The JAMS members will review community plans that have been procuded in Public Private Partnerships with the City of Auburn and discuss what project theywould like to take on to be impactful for the community. We will discuss projects, community partners, look at grants, and fundraisiing as a vehicle to work with the community to make positive change for our community.
Marching Band Chris Adamisin An outdoor competitive Fall activity eligible to anyone at DeKalb High School.  The season runs from a few practices in May and June which are followed by typical fall season practices beginning 2 weeks before the start of the school year and continuing daily throughout the fall season.  There are places for students that have or wish to develop  musical skills, dance, color guard, and theatre.  The group is highly competitive with 20+ ISSMA State Finals Appearances.  Students will acquire and develop skills with flags, sabres, rifles, dance, and instruments that are appropriate for the activity.  
National Honor Society Debbie Miller National Honor Society is an organization of students representing high standards of scholarship, character, leadership, and service.  The DeKalb High School chapter requires an overall GPA of 9.0 and includes juniors or seniors that complete the qualification process.  The process involves obtaining 5 references from 3 teachers and 2 outside sources.  Qualified students must also fill in a student activities survey demonstrating their involvement.  Student that meet these requirements are inducted in an October induction ceremony.  Following this process, students have a community service obligation.
Pep Band Chris Adamisin An indoor non competitive group eligible to anyone at DeKalb High School. The group performs at many home varsity basketball games. The season runs from late November through mid February. Typically, there are 1 to 2 practices after school prior to basketball season starting. Once the season has started we meet 1 hour prior to the start of the varsity basketball game. We are a performance based group and split our time between boys and girls home varsity games and play at most home conference games.
Robotics Team Amanda Penrod & Ben Penrod We are a group of students that focuses on programming and building robotic systems to participate in competition settings with schools from around North-Eastern Indiana.  The game settings change each year and are always a lot of fun.   Come and join us!
Science Fair Conner Emenhiser Science Fair is a science competition open to any student in grades 9-12.  Students, with the help of a science teacher mentor, develop an individual project that attempts to solve a scientific problem.  During the science fair competition in February, participants present their projects and these projects are evaluated by community members.  Science fair provides opportunities to win awards with the district competition as well as at the regional and state competition.
Speech Team Ashley Johnson, Andrea Freeze, & Andy Comfort The DeKalb Speech Team competes from November through March at oratorical contests throughout the state. Our speech team is open to all high school students.  The state of Indiana offers 14 separate, competitive events which include extemporaneous, impromptu, mock congress, discussion, broadcasting, original oratories, and various interpretive events.
Student Government Ashley Johnson/Kelsey Koeneman The Student Government is composed of students grade 9 through 12 who are elected by the student body to plan school functions and address school related issues. Class officers are elected for each class and representatives are selected from each homeroom. Student Government plans school wide events, such as convocations, Homecoming, Prom, and fundraisers such as CANstruction and the Salvation Army Kettle Drive. Student government also works closely with the administration to strengthen communication between administrators and the student body regarding topics that directly affect students at DeKalb High School.
Theater - Musicals and Plays Jed Freels The DeKalb Theater department performs two plays, one black box production, an original production, and a musical each year. Cast members complete an audition for each show to fill various roles in the production. Rehearsals are held leading up to the show to learn lines and parts. Crew members are also needed for productions for set building, lights and sound, costuming, student directors, etc.. Open to all students with a love for acting, the performing arts, and theater. We look forward to seeing you on or behind the stage!
Unified Barons
Carol Fike
IHSAA.org says, “Unified Sports® was first developed by Special Olympics as a means of providing a quality experience of sports training and competition in an inclusive environment that allows friendships to form. It is the vision of this joint IHSAA / Special Olympics Indiana (SOIN) sports project to allow high school students with and without intellectual disabilities to collectively represent their high school in an IHSAA sanctioned activity by participating together on a Unified Sports® team.”

A Unified Student Athlete is a student who is receiving special education and related services pursuant to an individual education program based on a cognitive, developmental and/or intellectual disability.

A Unified Student Partner is a student that meets the eligibility criteria outlined in General Eligibility rules 1-20, but is NOT identified by the school as a Unified Student Athlete.
Fall Unified Baron Sports are Intramural Bocce (Lawn Bowling) and IHSAA Sport Flag Football
Winter Unified Baron Sports are Intramural Basketball and Intramural Bowling
Spring Unified Baron Sport IHSAA Sport Track and Field
Voices of Philanthropy Nick Frank Youth philanthropic grant making advisory group. The Dekko Foundation and Community Foundation DeKalb County sponsor DeKalb's Voice, working together to grow a new generation of philanthropic leaders. 12 members, 3 from each of the four DeKalb County Schools; Eastside, Garrett, DeKalb and Lakewood Park Christian School.
Winter Drumline Chris Adamisin & Randy Lemish An indoor competitive percussive activity eligible to anyone at DeKalb High School.   Workshops and auditions are held in November and the season will run from November through early April.  Students will acquire and develop skills in the area of percussion performance and general methods of performing in front of large crowds.  Practices are three times a week and competitions are held several Saturday’s throughout the season.  The group was the Indiana Percussion Association 2008 Class PSA Champion and has continued to earn an invitation to IPA State Finals each year since.
Winter Guard Chris Adamisin An indoor competitive Color Guard activity eligible to anyone at DeKalb High School.   Workshops and Auditions are held in November and the season will run from November through early March.  Students will acquire and develop skills with flags, sabres, rifles and dance that are appropriate for the activity.  Practices are usually three times a week and competitions are held several Saturday’s throughout the season.
Classic City Singers Josh Doubblestein Classic City Singers is a non-auditioned show choir open to all students with an interest in learning more about show choir performance. No prior choir experience is needed. Classic City Singers will perform at the Winter and Spring choir concerts, and will practice once a week during Friday SST periods.
DHS S.H.I.E.LD. (Students Helping Include Everyone through Leadership at DeKalb) Larissa Troyer DHS S.H.I.E.L.D. is a group of enthusiastic and fun individuals who aim to create an all inclusive environment here at our High School building. The group works primarily with high school freshmen on relationship building, academics, and are an overall positive role model and influence for our students new to the high school environment. The purpose of this group is for our 9th graders to feel welcome and comfortable in our building. We strive for each student to feel connected with our school to create a sense of community and belonging.
Sources of Strength Andrea Freeze, Julie Holwerda, Starr Compton Sources of Strength: Sources of Strength (SOS) is a mental health and wellness program for any student from 9th-12grade. Our goal is to spread positivity throughout DeKalb High School by spreading our message of Hope, Help, and Strength. We aim to strengthen our culture of acceptance and belonging at DHS. We run campaigns throughout the year focusing on spreading the message of strengths on our SOS wheel, culminating in Healthy Activities Day in April.
Yearbook Debbie Miller When being part of the Yearbook Committee you will receive a unique combination journalism, business, technology and life skills. You will go through an interview process and need two teacher recommendations. Previous photography or photoshop knowledge is helpful but not required.