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About Us » DHS Overview

DHS Overview

Welcome to DeKalb High School!

DeKalb High School is committed to provide an outstanding education to our students. We strive to provide academic opportunities that make our students college and career ready. Educational Pathways allows you to find out early where your interests lie - and tailor your education specific to those interests. As an incoming freshman, you get to select a career pathway and develop a full four-year plan of relevant courses. You also receive hands-on experience from professional partners that team with us.

Twelve different pathways are available to choose from, and each one offers the same options for courses and diploma types. You may change your pathway whenever you want, even in your senior year. You also decide what class format you prefer: traditional lecture-based, or the New Tech project-based learning system, working on real-life projects with other students. You can even earn some college credit or industry-recognized certification by the time you graduate.

DeKalb High School offers 14 Advanced Placement Courses, 18 College Dual Credit Courses, 14 Vocational Programs through IMPACT Institute, 5 Project Lead the Way Courses, 4 Experiential Programs (Professional Career Internship/ICE/Work Experience/JAG) and numerous Online Digital Courses through Apex Learning.

In addition to numerous academic offerings available, DeKalb High School offers 21 Varsity Sports, 30+ Clubs and Activities, 8 Bands, and 6 Choirs to students to experience a well-rounded education.

Our seniors earn over $2,500,000 a year in scholarships as a result of allowing students to excel in multiple pathways, having dedicated, highly trained teachers, and living in a supportive small knit community.

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